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CAT Walk Plus

The Crowd Favourite

Registration Instructions:
  1. Please complete all information required, including the necessary uploads, and click "Submit".

  2. Volunteers are to bank in payment and attach proof of payment at the end of the form.

The deadline for submission is:
  • 3 - 5 August (Deadline: Monday 1 July 2024)

  • 7 - 9 September (Deadline: Monday 5 August 2024)

  • 5 - 7 October (Deadline: Monday 2 September 2024)

  • 9 - 11 November (Deadline: Monday 7 October 2024)

  • 30 November - 2 December (Deadline: Monday 28 October 2024)

Participation fee:
  • 3D/2N CAT Walk: RM1,400 for first time CAT Walkers, RM1050 for returning CAT Walkers and students


* Your fee covers your accommodation, permits and permissions, guide fees AND onsite transportation. It DOES NOT include transportation from your point of origin to Merapoh and back, F & B or other incidentals.

Other details:
  • All trips are 3-day 2-night, unless stated otherwise.

  • A minimum of 5 participants is required for a CAT Walk to proceed.

  • Places are limited for each CAT Walk and based on a first-come first-served basis. 

  • Registration will be acknowledged via automated e-mail after successful submission. After that, MYCAT's CAT Walk Plus partners in Singapore, Singapore Wildcat Action Group (SWAG), will be in touch with you regarding transportation arrangements and the pre-trip briefing for this CAT Walk Plus.

  • MYCAT strongly encourages you to complete ALL registration requirements (including fee payment) to secure your spot. Spots are not secure until payment has been received.

For details, read the CAT Walk Plus FAQ here.


For inquiries, contact MYCAT at or +603 2715 6701 during office hours between Mondays to Fridays, except public holidays.

For up to date announcements, check out our social media!

CAT Walk Plus Registration Form

Preferred date and personal details

Select a date
13 - 15 July 2024
3 - 5 August 2024
7 - 9 September 2024
5 - 7 October 2024
9 - 11 November 2024
30 November - 2 December
Date of birth
Sex (needed for room allocation)

Physical health information

Level of fitness.

On a scale 1-5, indicate your physical fitness level
1 - Very poor
2 - Poor
3 - Fair
4 - Good
5 - Very good
On a scale 1-5, how fit are you compared to others of the same age and sex?
1 -Very unfit
2 - Unfit
3- Moderate
4 - Fit
5 - Very fit
On a scale 1-5, describe your level of hiking experience.
1 - No experience
2 - Beginner (≤ 2 hikes per year)
3 - Moderate (3-5 hikes per year)
4 - Frequent (≥ 6 hikes per year)
5 - Expert (year-round hiker, group leader)
When was the last time you went hiking?
Within a month ago
Within 2-3 months ago
Within 4-11 months ago
More than a year ago
Do you have any allergies? If yes, please specify below.
Do you have any relevant phobias? If yes, please specify below.
Do you have any medical conditions which might affect your ability to complete, or require emergency treatment during the trip? If yes, please specify below.
Do you have permanent injuries/disabilities? If yes, please specify below.
Are you currently taking any medication? If yes, please specify below.
Do you have medical and/or personal accident insurance?
No (Note: We strongly recommend that you apply for one)

Contact person in case of emergency

We will contact this person in case of emergency. It MUST NOT BE someone already attending the CAT Walk with you.

On the CAT Walk

Is this your first CAT Walk?
How did you find out about this programme? You can choose multiple answers.

Release of Liability & Assumption of Risk

In consideration of my participation in this programme, I fully agree, understand and acknowledge the following:

  1. That this programme involves physical exertion and other risks, known and unknown and may result in injury or death;

  2. That my physical and mental condition is good and adequate to enable safe participation in this programme;

  3. That it is my duty and responsibility to follow all safety rules and procedures;

  4. That the safety of myself and my possessions is my responsibility;

  5. That I authorise MYCAT personnel to perform and administer first aid medical treatment as deemed necessary and to seek more specialised medical attention at hospitals and health care institutions if deemed necessary;

  6. That I authorise MYCAT to disclose or make available my personal details to relevant government agencies, insurance companies and CAT programme donors whenever necessary;

  7. That I authorise MYCAT to use images of myself taken during the programme for reporting and promotion purposes and MYCAT is free of any obligations to notify me;

  8. That I abide to Malaysian laws including the Wildlife Conservation Act and National Forestry Act while on CAT Walks; and

  9. That I have read and understand the other terms and conditions below:

Terms & Conditions


All costs incurred for CAT trips such as fuel and food will be borne by the participating individuals.


Although participants are covered by basic group accident insurance with a total coverage of up to RM25,000 per person, it is advisable to have personal medical/hospitalisation insurance.


Participants license MYCAT to use any information collected during the CAT programme and submitted to MYCAT, including but not limited to photographs and reports to the Wildlife Crime Hotline, for any purposes deemed fit for its conservation objectives. Copyright of the materials submitted belongs to the original owner. Any tiger scat collected must be surrendered to MYCAT.


MYCAT is legally subject to the T&C of a Non-Disclosure Agreement signed with Pahang Biodiversity Council. Hence, MYCAT requires all CAT programme participants to strictly adhere to the rules & regulations of the NDA, and other agencies including Perhilitan, Jabatan Perhutanan and MYCAT. All details of illegal activities and endangered wildlife especially tiger, sambar, gaur, serow and pangolin detected by CAT participants must remain confidential between the participants & MYCAT Secretariat’s Office.

Information, which includes photographs, locations, descriptions etc., cannot be disseminated to the public via weblogs, social media, YouTube or any other channels (instant messaging apps, electronic media, print media, television, etc.) as divulging this to other parties may jeopardise the safety of wildlife and MYCAT’s ability to conduct its work in the Sungai Yu Ecological Corridor. Any records on wildlife or biological findings observed during the programme are not to be published for any purpose. Content created for publications that reach out to a wider audience (e.g. in newspapers, magazines, newsletters, online media, corporate weblogs, etc.) must be submitted to MYCAT for fact checking prior to publication.

Participants may use other information collected during the trip (e.g. other photographs of animal signs, birds, scenic spots, etc.) for personal use. In cases where there is doubt, participants should check with the MYCAT Secretariat’s Office.

Note: Due to technical & legal issues, the Wildlife Conservation Society-Malaysia Programme is not part of this MYCAT initiative. Hence this project is a joint effort between the Malaysian Nature Society, TRAFFIC Southeast Asia, Wildlife Society of Selangor, WWF-Malaysia and MYCAT Secretariat’s Office.

I declare that the above information is complete and accurate and that I am a responsible adult over 18 years old. I hereby agree to the above release and agree to abide by the terms of this waiver, for any and every trip that I may participate in under the CAT programme.

Proof of payment

To secure your spot, volunteers are to bank in payment by the deadline stipulated. Please refer to the banking details listed below:

  • Bank name: Malayan Banking Berhad (If this option is not available, please select Maybank Islamic Berhad).

  • Bank address: 67-65, Jalan SS 22/19, Damansara Jaya, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

  • Account name: Wildlife Society of Selangor

  • Account number: 562683206801

  • Swift Code: MBBEMYKL (or “MBBEMYKL XXX” if an 11 character-code is required).

For accounting purposes, please include the date of the CAT Walk Plus (CWP) in the Recipient Reference, example: “2-3 July CWP” (or similar) and your name in the Payment Details/Others column.

The cost per volunteer for CAT Walk Plus participation is:

  • 3D/2N CAT Walk: RM1,400 for first time CAT Walkers, RM1050 for returning CAT Walkers and students

  • 4D/3N CAT Walk: RM1,700 for first time CAT Walkers, RM1,275 for returning CAT Walkers and students

For details, read the CAT Walk Plus FAQ here.

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